The Road to Paris & the New Financial Pact Summit

Advocacy Resources

Advocacy & Campaigning Resources

This is a deep dive resource page on Road to Paris and the New Finance Pact Summit planned for Paris in June 2023. This page will capture the main events, briefings, policy papers, and campaigns planned to help ensure coordination and collaboration amongst civil society actors. If you are planning an event, publishing policy recommendations, or a campaojg, please let us know so we can include it here. Email with the info.

We will be including more information as we get nearer the Summit, so check in regularly.

Outcomes and Analysis

Summit Review Briefing:

5th July from 14h30 to 15h45 Paris time

4th Road to Paris Briefing
The 4th Road to Paris Briefing will assess what the Paris Summit achieved & look ahead to future moments on the road to finance reform

Summit Outcomes & Side-Events:

Here is a short summary of the 6 official rountables that took place in the Bourse on Thursday 22nd June. Click here (opens as a PDF)

What World Assembly has compiled a list of official Summit side-events and non-official side events. You can access the google sheet here

The Assembly will post summaries and notes of the 6 official Summit roundtables here a few days after the Summit. We will also compile as many notes/summaries of the non-official events as we can find. If you have notes or outcome documents from a side-event, please email us at



Ways to Keep Involved:

1) Participate in theĀ  WhatsApp group for intel sharing and coordination of actions. Go here to join

Focus 2030 has a useful resource page with the history of the evolution of the Summit, what the Summit needs to agree and links to resources.

Global Citizen campaign logo

Global Citizen has launched a new campaign mobilising the public on global finance and targeting the G7 and the Paris Summit

Summit Review Briefing:

5th July from 14h30 to 15h45 Paris time

4th Road to Paris Briefing
The 4th Road to Paris Briefing will assess what the Paris Summit achieved & look ahead to future moments on the road to finance reform

2nd Road to Paris Briefing

Outcome Documents & Recording

Briefing Recording

Sample Text

Resource Doucments:

Elysees’ Powerpoint Presentation

Submitting a Proposal Doc (deadline 2nd May)

1st Briefing: Road to Paris – the New Financial Pact Summit, Paris, June 2023

The first briefing took place on March 9th, 2023. There will be a follow-up briefing in early May.

The Briefing took place on March 9th. Friederike Roter, Vice-President of Global Advocacy for Global Citizen lead the briefing sharing expectations for the Summit, information on the cohosts and planning as well as advocacy and campaign plans. The meeting was well attended with over 260 people registering and there was an energenic and well informed discussion following Friederike’s presenation.

For those interested in knowing more and participating in the advocacy work in the lead-up to the Summit, there are an array of options – listed below.This page will be up-dated regulary with new resources as they come available. We will hold a follow-up briefing in early May and will share registration details nearer the time.


Ways to Keep Involved:

1) Participate in theĀ  WhatsApp group for intel sharing and coordination of actions. Go here to join

2) Sign-on to the policy pitch developed by several NGOs and think tanks. See the pitch here. Add your logo using this link.

Background Doucments:

1) A range of documents available on the Googledrive. Click here to access

2) Official concept note of the summit. Click here to access

Outcome Documents & Recording

Briefing Recording

Sample Text

Powerpoint Presentation

Notes of the Briefing

Briefing Background


  • Get the latest known information on the Summit.
  • Outline what a New Global Financing Pact should entail
  • Share advocacy plans and initiatives in the works
  • Explore how the advocacy community, especially those in the Global South, can work together in the lead-up to the Summit

Briefing Background

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, has been championing an ambitious financing agenda, the so-called Bridgetown Initiative. Now French President Emmanuel Macron, in coordination with Indian Prime Minister Modi, has invited world leaders to a summit in Paris in June 2023 – to agree on a New Global Financing Pact, as you may have already heard. A background concept note for the Summit can be found here:

This presents a great opportunity to make progress on development and climate financing for all countries in need, including on more sustainable mechanisms to fund these global challenges in the long term.

Global Citizen is already actively working with advocacy partners on shaping the policy agenda of the summit and wants to increasingly mobilize on this over the next few months. We feel that we are much stronger working closely with partners from all over the world. However, little information about the summit has been published so far, therefore, we are organising a seminar to:

  • Get the latest known information on the Summit.
  • Outline what a New Global Financing Pact should entail
  • Share advocacy plans and initiatives in the works
  • Explore how the advocacy community, especially those in the Global South, can work together in the lead-up to the Summit

Presented by Friederike Roder, Vice-President, Global Advocacy at Global Citizen, along with contributions from other colleagues working on the Summit. This one-hour seminar will be useful for all organisations actively working on the Summit, or keen to learn more. This seminar will be the first in a series leading up to the Paris Summit to help ensure civil society is informed and coordinated for the event.

Background Documents

Official concept note of the summit. Click here to access